Streamline your CMMS with multi-language support

More than 50,000 users worldwide at companies of all sizes rely on this best-in-class, cloud-based CMMS platform from Fluke to help prevent failures, eliminate downtime, and improve reliability.  As more companies establish a global presence, eMaint is an ideal solution because it unites and shares functionality across multiple company sites. It offers product features and support in multiple languages, currencies, and time zones, enhancing the productivity of your overall maintenance organization—and making your life a lot easier.  

Multi-language CMMS

eMaint speaks your language 

eMaint simplifies working across international locations with built-in support for 10 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Hungarian, and Chinese. The eMaint app appears in your local language, regardless of where it is centrally managed.   eMaint’s support for multiple languages means a user in Spain can open the CMMS and work with it in Spanish—even though an admin did the customization in Germany. Use this feature to make changes to labels and add or modify fields, then deploy the custom interface to sites worldwide, where users will work with it in their language. 

Keeping currency current 

eMaint’s built-in currency converter allows you to track costs, labor hours, parts, fees—anything financial. All in local currencies. Standard conversions are built in, and you can customize the information as needed for your specific situation. 

The time is always right 

All time-based transactions in eMaint are tied to GMT and then converted for local users. This eliminates any confusion around what is ‘your day’ vs. ‘my day’ when working with international teams.  

Work the way you want 

The strength of eMaint comes in its ability to let you adapt the software to your needs, not the other way around. eMaint recognizes that to truly be an enterprise application in today’s world, it’s essential to provide solutions that work across languages, geographies, and time zones—right along with companies that have locations across the globe. eMaint works so seamlessly in that situation that it can enhance the productivity of your overall maintenance organization.